
Optional supportive copy for heading could go here

LinkedIn Ads Management
Up to $25,000*
LinkedIn Ads strategy
Campaign restructure
Ongoing campaign optimization
Ad copy creation
Advise on creative
Automated LinkedIn Ads reporting
Automated Hubspot reporting
Dedicated campaign manager
Bi-weekly meetings
Periodic deep-dive reports
ABM support
Up to $25,000 in monthly ad spend
LinkedIn Ads Management
+15% on spend
between $25K and $50K*
LinkedIn Ads strategy
Campaign restructure
Ongoing campaign optimization
Ad copy creation
Advise on creative
Automated LinkedIn Ads reporting
Automated Hubspot reporting
Dedicated campaign manager
Bi-weekly meetings
Periodic deep-dive reports
Advise on SDR outreach
ABM support
Up to $50,000 in monthly ad spend
LinkedIn Ads Management
+10% on spend above $50K*
LinkedIn Ads strategy
Campaign restructure
Ongoing campaign optimization
Ad copy creation
Advise on creative
Automated LinkedIn Ads reporting
Automated Hubspot reporting
Dedicated campaign manager
Bi-weekly meetings
Periodic deep-dive reports
Advise on SDR outreach
ABM support
Unlimited monthly ad spend

*The pricing is subject to change based on their specific requirements.

“Remotion are the best at what they do.”

Name Surname

“Remotion are the best at what they do.”

Name Surname

Great team to work with.

Rony Vexelman

Remotion is the only agency we would trust with our LinkedIn ads.

Idan Hershkovich

MQL-to-SQL up by 250%, CPL down by 65%, we’ll have to find a new challenge.

Stav Elkayam

Remotion are the experts in LinkedIn Ads

Ohad Pollak

We would always recommend Remotion to anyone. You really have delivered.

Ben O'Dell

Their ability to turn our tech-focused B2B marketing into a solid structure of growth and visibility is nothing short of impressive.

Or Baram

They far exceeded the results of similar organizations.

Natalie Lehrer

Remotion deliver results that beat all the known benchmarks.

Aviv Cohen


Wonder if we're right for you?

What kinds of clients do you typically work with?

Our typical client is a B2B software startup - between Series A and Series E of funding, that has (hopefully) already achieved product-market fit (PMF).

What is the minimum budget you work with?

We prefer to work with LinkedIn Ads budgets of above $15,000/month - but we will make exceptions in some cases, especially if we’re talking about a very small niche/ABM audience.

Working with a budget of at least $15,000 per month gives us at least $500 per day to work with - which allows us to run enough campaigns simultaneously to learn and optimize at a decent pace.

Do you support ABM strategies?

We sure do. You provide the lists, we’ll advise on the strategy - and we’re good to go.

What do you need in order to get started?

If we’re looking to run lead generation campaigns, we usually like to test out both gated content and Demo Request campaigns to start. We’d need about 4-5 banners for each campaign - and we’d ideally like to test out two different content assets when we begin.

How soon can you get started?

Fast. One of the things you'll learn about us if you work with us, is we don't like to wait around to make things happen. That means we like to move fast and get things going, so we can begin learning. Once we have everything we need, we'll typically be live within 24-48 hours - and in many cases we can be live hours after kicking off.

Who will I work with?

One of our experienced LinkedIn Ads campaign managers will be your day-to-day contact and handle your account.

Do you really only do LinkedIn Ads?

Not really. We also help with Google Ads and Meta Ads if it makes sense - but LinkedIn really is our main thing. We prefer to focus on where we can provide the absolute most value - and that’s with LinkedIn Ads.

Do you supply the creative?

We don’t, not usually. In some rare cases we might. But most of the time our clients are able to provide the creative we need to be successful.

We do advise on creative to help us succeed. 

Is there a minimum commitment?

Yes, we ask to work together for a minimum of 3 months - from then on we require one month’s notice.

How do you do reporting?

We pull your LinkedIn Ads and Hubspot data from Supermetrics, combine the data and report automatically on a daily basis for top-funnel KPIs like leads and CPL, as well as down-funnel KPIs like SQLs, Opportunities and Closed Won deals.

If you don't have Hubspot, we'll rely on you to export that data from Salesforce, Marketo or some other CRM so that we can do our reporting of the down-funnel.

How do you communicate with your clients?

Usually over Slack and email for day-to-day, and we have bi-weekly calls to align on everything else.

Can we speak to some reference clients?

Sure! We work with for references. After an intro call, if we feel there’s a fit, we’ll send a link to schedule a call with one of our client references. 

Do you support brand building campaigns?


We love brand building campaigns on LinkedIn, and believe those to be some of the most important and effective campaigns that can be run.

The challenge, of course, is in how those campaigns will be measured, and what type of creative is being run. We can discuss it in more detail.

Do you support demand generation campaigns?

Absolutely. But in order for real demand gen to work, you, the client, need to be able to provide the type of content required for it to work - as well as make sure you've received the right kind of buy-in from your leadership on the implications of moving away from lead generation. Having said that, demand gen can be extremely effecitve when done right - it just takes the right content/creative/messaging, and an alignment of everyone.

Stop wasting your budget on LinkedIn Ads campaigns that don’t work.